Monday, April 10, 2006

DaVinci and The Kingdom of God

Most people, it seems, like movies. Some more than others; some less than others. But as a whole, I'm guessing most people like movies. Some like light comedies; some like dark dramas; some like science fiction; some like documentaries; some like anime; some like sports flicks; and some, I guess like movies with lots of killing. Christians, I suppose are no different. Most Christians like movies too. Yet at the same time, I think some Christians feel the need to give up their own likes and dislikes when it comes to movies. There are just some movies Christians are supposed to like and some movies Christians are supposed to hate. Remember "Pay it Forward" a few years ago? Yeah. Definitely loved by Christians. What about "The Last Temptation of Christ?" That was a movie about Jesus, right? Sorry. Definitely hated by Christians. And now here we are, once again, caught up in a bunch of hype. "The DaVinci Code" comes out next month, and American Christianity is in an uproar. We are seeing books refuting the "message" of the novel. We are seeing churches plan entire series on the topic. We are seeing conferences and seminars on how to talk to someone about "The DaVinci Code." The Church has launched a full-force panic campaign to tackle the questions the book and soon-to-be-movie propose. Definitely. Christians are supposed to hate this one.

The last movie to get Christians all hyped up? "Narnia." It was marketed to Christians, and the Church showed up. We bought Bible covers, toys, teaching curriculum, and all kinds of marketing tools associated with the film. Christians definitely liked this one. After all, it was going to be a great evangelistic opportunity. What happened?

That reminds me of the "greatest evangelistic opportunity in 2,000 years." The movie that made lots of unexpected money. The movie that was supposed to be professional suicide for it's creator. Churches built entire programs around "The Passion of the Christ." We bought out entire showings of the film. I even heard someone from Outreach Marketing say, "Some of you are wondering why this movie has an R rating. Let me just say that R is for 'Real'." What?

I think Hollywood has figured out how to do big grossing films in fresh, new ways. Hollywood Execs are sitting back in their plush chairs loving Christians. Let's face it; we create incredible publicity...often for free! All Hollywood has to do with "The DaVinci Code" is let Christians respond, and marketing!

The Church has moved away from advancing God's Kingdom in favor of defending it. We are on the defense. Somehow we have been deceived into thinking that the Kingdom of God can be undermined by Hollywood...or Ron Howard...or Dan Brown. I was curious about it, so I decided to ask some questions. After Dan's book sat on the bestseller list for so long, and after Christians started reacting to it, I decided I needed to ask some questions. So I walked into a local metaphysical bookstore and asked this question: "Did you see an increase in the interest in goddess worship or gnosticism after "The Davinci Code" came out?" Their answer? A definitive "No."

I'm just wondering. Why are we making such a big deal about this? Why are we fueling the fire? Why are we so scared? Do we really think that this could be the "single greatest threat to the Kingdom of God in 2,000 years?" Maybe we have so programmed what the Kingdom is supposed to be that we have forgotten that we are not the kings. Maybe we have forgotten that we serve a sovereign King. Is God really bigger than Dan Brown? Is God really bigger than Ron Howard or Tom Hanks? Is God bigger than all of Hollywood? I sure hope so. If not, we're taking the right approach. In fact, maybe we better buy some more anti-Davinci Code curriculum.


Anonymous said...

Ok ill comment like I always do (even though no one comments about my blogs)

But "Film as Religion" is my huge indevior that ive been researching (hence all the religion and film blogs... duh)

as for the.... holy crap I gots to run.... I get to be a roman soldier in the "Jeruslahem strikes back" play tonite.... I need to get brown sandals.... I must run

i dont always have to be inspiring

Bonnie said...

the funny thing about this article is that I received a letter about the movie and its portrayal of fake Jesus today... from a christian organization...of course :) thought you'd see the humor in that

Bonnie said...

I think it is funny that you posted this today because I in fact received an letter from a christian organization that referred to this movie as portraying a false Jesus...not a Jesus that saves... I thought you would find the humor in that

Jonathan said...

Actually always inspire me. Granted, it is often in unique are definitely inspiring! As a matter of fact, you have inspired me now to go and read your blog again!

By the way, I liked the "Kill Jesus Vol. 1" thing you sent me.

edubbs said...

i think we shold talk about this davinci code stuff more next time i see you. i think you are missing why it is somewhat damaging... not anything to freak out about, but something to deal with. and i don't think that asking one metaphysical book store is really "investigating" the issue.

Jonathan said...

I'd like to talk about it, but just so that you know more where I am coming from...

I think there are some damaging things in the book. I think it can confuse people who are searching. I think the gnostic arguments, if not dealt with properly, can be very convincing. And yes, I agree that talking to Dancing Moon is hardly a thorough investigation.

I do, however, believe that the Church is over-reacting. I thoroughly believe that we have moved to a defensive position. I do believe that we have become reactive rather than proactive.

Having said that...let's talk.